A mother gives birth at the hospital and expresses the desire to leave the newborn under the “Safe Haven” program.

A mother gives birth at the hospital and leaves without notifying hospital personnel prior to the newborn being medically cleared for discharge, and did not indicate her intention regarding the newborn and does not visit or maintain communication with the hospital.
Newborn Intake / Processing by Hospitals:
There are several ways a “Safe Haven” event can occur at a hospital:

If the baby is not drug exposed:

If the baby is drug exposed:
Report the fact that the infant was drug exposed to DCF. Do not provide information relative to the parents of the newborn to DCF. Advise DCF that the newborn is a "Safe Haven" baby and no further action is needed on their part.
See the section: "Contacting a local licensed child placing agency." Advise the agency of the situation and when they will be able to take custody of the infant.
See the section: "Contacting a local licensed child placing agency."

Same procedure and process as in Event A (above)
If there is contact with the mother : Case management / social worker should discuss with the birth mother the options that she has, and attempt to ascertain her intentions, i.e. she could elect to work with DCF to complete a plan so she can attempt to parent her child, she can make an adoption plan with an agency or attorney, or she could elect to place the newborn into the "Safe Haven " program.
Same procedure and process as in Event A (above)
A parent(s) or (whomever is in possession) of a newborn can leave the newborn with personnel at the hospital and leave anonymously.

A parent(s) or (whomever is in possession) of a newborn can leave the newborn infant anonymously with Fire Rescue / EMS personnel who will then immediately transport the infant to the hospital.
Same procedure and process as in Event A (above)

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