A newborn left under the “Safe Haven” program, either by the Letter of the Law or Spirit of the Law was not, and is not, considered
We are never, ever judgmental.
It is of the utmost importance that a positive outcome result from a mother
leaving a baby by either the Letter of the Law or the Spirit of the Law.
Saving Lives in Florida
The message to the community at large when a baby is surrendered at a “Safe Haven” must be clear as we do not want, under any circumstances, to discourage a mother to leave her baby in safety vs. the tragic alternative.
The cooperation and participation of hospitals, Fire/EMS stations, law enforcement and the "Safe Haven for Newborns" organization has been instrumental in the success of the program in saving lives.
Sometimes someone will say “I really don't understand how a mother could give up her child”. Our response is “you never walked in her shoes”. We believe it takes enormous compassion and a great deal of courage to seek help with the “Safe Haven” option vs. the tragic alternative of abandonment.
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