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Gloria M. Silverio Foundation, 501 ( c ) 3

“A Safe Haven for Newborns-Saving One Life at a Time”

This educational presentation “A Safe Haven for Newborns – Saving One Life at a Time” is a self-directed, on-line program designed to introduce the learner to the issues surrounding infant abandonment, the Safe haven statutes in Florida as well as the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals, fire and rescue, law enforcement and DCF when presented with a surrendered baby. The program also introduces the learner to the resources available through A Safe Haven for Newborns and the processes which take place when an infant is placed under the Safe Haven statute.
Course Name:
“A Safe Haven for Newborns-Saving One Life at a Time"
The course is $10.00 you will receive 1 C.E.U. and a certificate of completion for your portfolio.
$10 Fee